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岗位职责 1.检查工作区域设备、员工安全等情况,如有损坏,及时上报经理。 2.引导宾客遵守游泳池的各项规章制度和使用须知。 3.解答宾客相关游泳方面的咨询,做到简洁明了。 4.确保工作区域现场秩序的井然,保证宾客的人身安全。 5.及时对宾客的违规行为给予正确指出。 6、对来游泳的VIP客人,要纳入重点保护目标,确保客人的人身安全。 任职资格 1 熟悉游泳池服务知识、掌握游泳和救生急救技术,懂得游泳卫生消毒知识,持用救生证书。 2. 能按服务工作规范的质量标准独立进行工作。 3. 有在水中进行急救和在陆地上进行人工救护的能力。 4、有星级酒店泳池工作岗位者优先考虑

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晋江宝辉(华星)大酒店简介 Brief Introduction of Jinjiang Baohui(LINK) Hotel 澳门恒和企业集团 Macau Hanghuo Enterprise Group 澳门恒和企业集团有限公司是一家产业多元化的国际集团公司。目前已经行成由风险投资,房地产开发、建筑工程与物业管理,旅游酒店与娱乐,生物制药与海产品加工,高科技光电制造,高科技农业为核心的产业集群。下属企业遍布北京、上海、辽宁、山东、重庆、广东、福建、广西等地区。 恒和企业集团主席颜延龄先生是第十届、第十一届全国政协经济委员会副主任,澳门著名实业家、社会活动家,身兼中国和平统一促进会常务理事、全国侨联常委、澳门中华妈祖基金会主席、澳门福建同乡总会会长等多个重要社会职务。 经过多年的努力,恒和企业集团的建设取得了可喜的发展。今后,集团仍继续坚持 稳健经营、持续发展 的方针,遵循 与时俱进、开拓创新 的原则,在巩固发展现在经营领域的同时,不断拓展新的投资领域,积极为中国大陆地域和澳门特区发展与进步做出应有的贡献。 Macau Hanghuo Enterprise Group, as an international corporation with diversified business, has formed a industrial cluster centering on crisis investment, real estate development, architecture engineering and management, tourism accommodation and entertainment, bio-pharmaceuticals and sea food production, high tech photo electricity and agriculture. Its affiliate business scatters over regions like Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Shandong, Chongqing, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, etc. Mr.Yan Yanling, Chairman of Hanghuo Enterprise Group, is the Associate Director of the 10th and 11st CPPCC National Committee for Economic Affairs. He is a famous industrialist and socialist in Macau, holding concurrent posts as Executive member of the Society for the Promotion of the Peaceful Unification of China, member of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas, Chairman of China Mazoo Fund in Macau, Chairman of  Fujian Association in Macau, etc. Through years of continuous hard working, Hanghuo Enterprise Group has made gratifying progress in its development. For the future, the Group will adhere to the policy ofStable Management, Sustainable Developmentand go ahead with a pioneering and innovative spirit. On the basis of managing business in being, we constantly develop new investing areas and try our best to do due contribution to development and progress of Chinese Minland and Macau. 恒和酒店管理有限公司 Hanghuo Hotel Management Co.,Ltd. 恒和酒店管理有限公司是澳门恒和企业集团下属的国际性专业酒店管理公司,在恒和企业集团颜奕萍执行董事的领导下,运用先进的、国际的、开放的理念经营、管理恒和集团所属酒店。 恒和企业集团旗下酒店主要分布在狮城新加坡与中国大陆地区,由华星大酒店(新加坡)、宝辉(华星)大酒店(中国晋江)、桂山(华星)大酒店(中国桂林)、邦辉(华星)大酒店(中国福州)组成。集团的愿景是在大中国和东南亚打造排名前三位的酒店管理集团,跻身国际一流酒店组织。 Hanghuo Hotel Management Co.,Ltd. is an international professional hotel management company under the administration of executive director Yan Yiping of Macau Hanghuo Enterprise Group with advanced, international and open management philosophy. Hotels of Hanghuo Enterprise Group are mainly in Lion City-Singapore and Chinese Mainland including LINK Hotel(Singapore), Baohui(LINK) Hotel(Jinjiang, China), Guishan (LINK) Hotel(Guilin, China), Banghui(LINK) Hotel (Fuzhou, China). Our vision is to become international first class and one of top 3 hotels in China and Southeastern Asia. 晋江宝辉(华星)大酒店简介 Brief Introduction of Jinjiang Baohui(LINK) Hotel(Jinjiang, China) 晋江宝辉(华星)大酒店是澳门恒和企业集团独资兴建,恒和酒店管理有限公司经营管理的五星级豪华酒店。 酒店位于中国 海峡西岸经济区 最具活力的区域——晋江市,紧临安海五里高新区工业园区。 酒店总建筑面积58000平方米,拥有以总统套房、行政套房为代表的各类豪华客房278间/套。精美华贵的宴会设施可供十数人至千人欢宴,星澳娱乐城、佰乐城、、网球运动中心、健身水疗中心、多媒体会议中心等服务设施一应俱全。 晋江宝辉(华星)大酒店是晋江地区功能与文化内涵十分丰富的豪华五星级酒店,必将成为 海峡西岸济区 酒店业的翘楚。 Jinjiang Baohui(LINK) Hotel is a five star luxurious hotel invested solely by Macau Hanghuo Enterprise Group and administrated by Hanghuo Hotel Management Co., Ltd. The Hotel is located in the most dynamic city of the Economic Region of the Western Shore of the Taiwan Straits-Jinjiang city, close to industrial zone area in Anhai QiaotouArea. The hotel, with its gross building area of 58,000 m2, possesses various luxurious guest rooms such as Presidential suites and Executive Suites. Luxurious and exquisite banquet facilities can hold hundreds of people to have dinner. The hotel owns all the service conveniences such as night club, sauna and fitness center, tennis center, multimedia meeting center, etc. Jinjiang Baohui(LINK) Hotel is a luxurious five star hotel with hotel function and culture connotion mixed together which deemed to be the industry lead in the Economic Region of the Western Shore of the Taiwan Straits. 我们期待才华横溢、具有饱满工作热情的您加入我们的团队。如果您具备大专以上的学历,具备运用基础英语能力,有两年以上高星级酒店同岗位工作经验,可以申请主管级以上管理岗位。我们希望拥有旅游酒店服务经验或实习经历朋友,拥有普通高中、职业技校或职业高中文化基础的朋友加入我们的基层督导与服务岗位。 As the opening approaching, we are waiting for participation of talented and enthusiastic people. Academic certificates at or above the junior college, basic English communicative ability and 2 years or above equal post working experience in senior star hotels are required for management post above Superintendent. Gross roots posts for supervision and service are available for the people who graduated from senior middle schools/ vocational technical schools/ vocational senior middle schools or working/intern experience in tourism and hotel service. 联系方式
Contact 您可以通过 大泉州人才网站 的系统发送简历给我们; 您可以将附有近照的简历发至1249559366@QQ.com; 您也可以将简历邮寄至以下地址: 中国福建晋江安海镇海八北路宝辉(华星经典)大酒店人力资源部  

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